Minutes of Trustees Meeting held on Thursday 20th September at 7.30pm
Present: Andrew McGilvray (AMG), Charlie Underwood (CU), Sooty, Jim Wheeler (Jim), Peter Shakeshaft (Shakey), Ian Loder (IL), Tim Charge (TC), Glenis Southern (GS), Jenny Rogers(JR), Bob Bradberry(BB), Cristian Durant (CD)
Matt Walker and Harrison Miles have both resigned as Trustees of Ketton Sports and Community Centre (KSCC)
Minutes taken by Roz Condé – Hon Sec at KSCC
- Apologies – Jayne Wheeler (JW), Ron Tilley, Jim Wheeler, Sooty arriving late.
- Minutes of Trustees Meeting held on 26th July – all agreed to be accurate.
There was a general discussion between all the trustees on the need for financial information to be available for all trustees at least 3 days before the meeting as an important part of a trustees duty is to ensure the financial position of the charity is sound. It was agreed that AMG & GS would meet separately with JW to discuss the situation and put forward suggestions to ensure this could be achieved. JR advised that KSCC was discussed at the Parish Council and AMG asked if anyone objected to the Minutes being published on the website. All agreed except Sooty.
- Matters arising
AMG advised that had a response from Charities Commission stating that they will not answer any questions until the accounts have been filed. Sooty said that he had been asked to do work at KSCC and AMG approved this as Sooty will be working under his business PHSStamford and the invoices would duly reflect this.
AMG advised that the section of the minutes regarding Ketton Cricket Club and Ketton Sports Club had been out on social media for all to see.
- Finance
GS & AMG met with JW and discussed the financial situation. JW had completed the charity accounts for the period April 16 to March 17. These show:
Income £152,667
Expenditure £150,645
JW will produce AMG will input these figures into the Charity Commission website and close down the 16/17 financial year
JW stated that she did not have any problem with the book keeping as this was completed every Monday and she did not need any assistance with this task. One area where she wanted help was with the non financial tasks that she is asked to do. AMG requested that if she is asked to perform any thing in this area she should forward the request to him
- Hiring of Hall
AMG advised that bookings are looking healthy. However, Darts, Crib and Dominoes are not booking their events as they should be as they ask Joyce Bird who says its OK for them to play their matches on said days – AMG going to speak to Joyce as these must be logged in the diary.
BB stated that as KSCC is charging ‘top dollar’ then the access road and car park need to be attended to as there are some large potholes, CD said that there is still Tesco money available and that the access road can be ‘patched up’ to a satisfactory level and AMG asked if CD could arrange this which he will. GS asked if worth speaking to Roger Mills and CD also agreed to talk to him. IL asked about the lighting in the venue as not all working and AMG going to talk to the electrician regarding this. CU raised his concern regarding this but Sooty reassured him that it is not a danger at all.
AMG asked about Xmas and New Year events and believed that Joyce Bird had something in hand for the New Years Eve event. There are no private functions booked yet around Xmas and New Year. JR asked if the takings for August regarding the venue hire were available but no figures were available.
GS said that there had been a complaint by a customer who had hired the Bar Area for a private function – Sooty and CD advised that this had been dealt with.
CD stated that when the venue is hired then the clearing up of the venue and kitchen needs to be clearer as it should not be up to the staff of KSCC to clean up. AMG pointed out that the customer/caterer is to bring their own crockery.
- New/moved facilities used by Sports Sections
AMG advised all that if any section wanted to install a fixed structure the permission must be sought from the landlord Ketton Parish Council, and if applicable also through Hanson. AMG asked if the Trustees were happy to seek permission if necessary and all were in agreement with this. This has come to light as Football and Cricket want to make adjustments to their specific areas. Sooty duly explained what Football wanted to do. TC said that there must be no restrictions in getting onto the Football pitch and Sooty confirmed that the pitch would always be accessible for ambulances/grass cutters etc.
CD advised that the current nets need replacing and cricket require fully enclosed nets. He also stated at the moment the current nets are in the wrong place and the new ones would need to be in a new location. PS said that the sheds need to be dismantled and disposed of. AMG asked if CD would put a proposal together regarding the new nets and CD will do this.
PS said that people are coming up to play football at anytime and although the Trustees don’t want to stop anybody using the pitch there is an issue with rubbish being left behind. JR asked if KSCC have a caretaker who could keep a closer eye on people coming and KSCC do not have a caretaker.
BB said he had heard a rumour regarding installation of a netball pitch, AMG said that he had been approached by a lady and this was duly discussed, the funding would come from the lady concerned and the installation of a netball pitch would be beneficial to KSCC, as it could also be used for 5 a side football. BB agreed a good idea as long as health and safety were all in order which they would be.
Use of outdoor facilities by villagers
The facilities are for all to use. JR said that she had been approached by a Ketton Cricket Club (KCC) member, who told her that he had been asked to leave and the person in question objected to this – Sooty and PS said that said person was asked to leave as he was extremely rude to a customer.
Sooty said that happy for people to use the ladies football pitch for a kick around but he explained that on occasion damage had been done to the goals and goal nets and for repairs it can be about £350 and he said that Football can’t keep paying this out. AMG said that Sooty could approach the Trustees for financial assistance regarding repairs and it would be duly discussed. PS said he had concerns over children coming to play cricket as KSCC don’t want to stop children from using the pitch but there are no notices stating what one can do or cannot do regarding use of the cricket/football pitches. BB asked how this could be policed? Sooty suggested putting a rope barrier across the area on the right hand side as you go down the access road to KSCC.
AMG suggested that Ron Tilley be given assistance regarding the decision to cancel Car Boots and it was decided that input would come from cricket, football, BB, RT and AMG and they would decide if the ground was unsuitable for Car Boot. BB asked when the decision to be made and AMG said by noon on the Sunday before.
Sooty asked if there were any concessions for the hire of the venue for a charity fundraising event and AMG confirmed that concessions are given and Sooty will forward the information to AMG.
None of the Trustees had Any Other Business.9. Date of Next Meeting
Trustees will meet every 2 months on 3rd Monday of the relevant month at 8:00 pm (this will allow JW to prepare the accounts.
Next meeting will be 8:00pm on Monday 19th November