Minutes of Trustees Meeting of 16th May 2024 held in Ketton Parish Council @ 7pm

Present: Nigel Roberts(NR), Ed Finch(EF), Neil Stevenson(NS), Andy Bird(AB), Bob Bradberry(BB), Bob Warters(BW), Anna O’Conner(AC)

Minutes taken and typed by Roz Conde – Hon Sec

  • Election of Chairperson – AB asked if NR would be the Chair and he said he would but would not be involved in the ‘day to day’ running of Ketton Sports Community Centre (KSCC) and he would concentrate on Chair Duties and responsibilities of a Chair person. Agreed this was acceptable and AB nominated NR, seconded by BB and BW and so NR was voted in as Chairperson.
  • Review of Minutes of last meeting of 18th April were approved to be published and the quote for the window had been approved and is awaiting installation. Sky Sports has been cancelled.
  • Car Boot – Ron Tilley has resigned from organization of the Car Boots and it was asked if they should go ahead. It was agreed that the two scheduled for 2024 would go ahead weather permitting but going forward another event(s) would be organised. NS suggested a Football Tournament which would bring in a good amount of revenue as there would be a fee for each team to enter. BB to put out the banners after 18th May advertising the Car Boot on 27th NS will liaise with the groundsmen and will let all know by Friday 24th if the ground is OK. NS offered to be on hand to arrange the car booters.  BW and Bowls will be serving and preparing the bacon butties prices at £3 and he asked if volunteers should have them free of charge and it was duly voted that the volunteers should be asked to pay £1 for their bacon sandwiches. EF will purchase the bacon and other items from Cash & Carry. BW will purchase the bread from Morrisons. Jayne Wheeler (JW) has made the floats available.
  • Kitchen Hygiene – EF had addressed this and anybody using the kitchen will clear up and wipe down all surfaces. BW said that volunteers do not need a hygiene certificate if doing catering on a ‘one off’ basis but NR pointed out hygiene certificate required if done on a regular basis by volunteers.
  • Notification of events/fixtures – Roz asked if she could be advised of all events and fixtures so they can put on the online diary so all can see what is booked.
  • Directors Report – EF – Financially KSCC is looking more stable with events booked that will boost KSCC. A Jukebox will be installed which should help the overall ambience of KSCC. A patio will be built which will enhance the overall appearance of KSCC. Materials and groundworks have kindly been donated by Simon Smith and Russ Breen and the labour for the patio will be paid for and this is in hand. AB advised that the water and electric cables are adjacent to where the patio is to be laid so care needs to be taken. EF – Bar staff are required, and this was advertised. The constitution needs to looked into and where applicable re-written to bring it up to date and EF is dealing with this. Sooty is being paid back what he owes but JW is still owed a considerable amount of money and this needs to be paid back to JW. NS is sourcing new bins which will have lids to hopefully stop the foxes from upturning the bins! AB pointed that the main big bins must be three metres away from the main building.
  • Section Recharges – EF – sections need to contribute to the electric and water if used and something more formal needs to be in place. NR suggested a maintenance fee payable to KSCC. NS pointed out that the sections contribute to the maintenance of the grounds. TriAthlon still have not paid their share of the insurance and this is not fair as all the other applicable people/sections have paid and this had got to be addressed.
  • Possible additional Sports for KSCC including update on obtaining land from Heidelburg – NR is dealing with this as Chair of Ketton Parish Council. NR has emailed Trustees regarding this on 17th The Bowmens’ application for use land on Barrowden Road, Ketton has been refused but they are appealing this, but it is believed this will also be turned down.
  • Kids Club – AC –this is going well and asked for someone to open up for Tuesday 28th May to 31st May and BW agreed to open up and AC will lock up and man the tuck shop and EF will purchase the relevant snacks. AC will need help throughout the July and August Kids Clubs.
  • Car Parking/Access Road – a favourable quote has been received and NS asked if the land on the right-hand side of the entrance to KSCC could be gravelled for use as a car park and a quote will be asked for this. Any funds that have been raised must be kept to one side and used for the specific item(s). EF and NR advised that money from Section 106 would be available from July and that a letter be duly written to Ketton Parish Council, and NR also suggested applying to the Whitebread Trust. NS had a team of people that could apply for grants if required.
  • Future Events – NR – Blackstones end of season, FA Cup Final, Northern Soul evening, Euros plus other Private Functions that are booked in.
  • AOB – AB had been approached by Andy Binder regarding 7th and 8th December bookings, but these were no longer going ahead. Also, did KSCC want loan of a cooker and the Trustees have kindly declined the offer. The toilets had kindly been redecorated free of charge by Ian Halsall and a letter of thanks will be sent to him. AB asked if the donation that had been given could be Gift Aided and Roz has spoken to Jayne and unfortunately, Gift Aid cannot be claimed on donations from groups of people, only individuals.

All Trustees agreed that this was a positive meeting and thanks were given for all of their help.

Date and time of next meeting – Wednesday 3rd July at 7pm to be held at KSCC