Minutes of Trustees Meeting held at Ketton Sports & Community Centre (KSCC)
on 3rd July at 7pm

Present: Nigel Roberts (NR), Andy Bird (AB), Bob Bradberry(BB), Anna O’Connor(AC), Bob Warters(BW)

Minutes taken and typed by Roz Conde Hon Sec

Neil Stevenson (NS) and Cristian Durant (CD) have agreed to become Trustees and were duly proposed and appointed in their absence

1) Apologies – Dave Walpole (DW)

2) Minutes of Trustees Meeting held on 16th May – approved to be published.

3) New Constitution – it was agreed that this will have to be addressed as a separate issue and to have a meeting to just discuss the New Constitution.

4) Directors Report – as no directors present there was no report. However, NR would kindly like Jayne Wheeler (JW) to attend one meeting in four if this was possible.

5) New Patio – The patio is now completed, and all agreed it enhances KSCC. NR stated that in future two quotes need to be put forward before work commences on any project and that the Trustees need to authorize any building work. NR asked if JW could source NO SMOKING/NO VAPING signs for the patio area and these must be clearly visible. All receptacles are to be removed from the tables that might encourage smoking.

6) Grants – NS has a team that works on sourcing grants, and it was suggested that NR talks to him regarding funding for the entrance road. NR advised that KSCC to put in application for the cost of the road to the Community Infrastructure Fund. KSCC has two quotes for re-surfacing of the road. NR also suggested looking into getting funding to have solar panels installed on the roof of KSCC. NR will ask DW if the original quote still stands. AB pointed that drainage would need to be in place.
Ed Finch had asked prior to the meeting if the land directly on the right of the entrance to KSCC could be used as an overflow car park and NR has asked the relevant land agents of they have any objection and is awaiting a response.

7) Boundary and Land Update – The Bowmen of Rutland are still wanting to use the land adjacent to the Bowls Club and the boundaries of KSCC and Balfour Beatty are still ongoing, and NR is dealing with this.

8) Upcoming Events – AC advised that the tuck shop/ opening and locking up for the Kids Club being held in July and August was in full preparation but there were some dates that she need help with regarding the above. AB, BB, and BW said that between them they would the relevant dates would be covered by them and AC will confirm with them the dates they are required.
There are 4 Blood Drives booked in.
AB asked if the bar can be open for their Healthy Walking Anniversary from 3pm to 5pm on 5th September. AB asked if the Trustees were OK with Andy Binder doing the catering for their Healthy Walking Xmas lunch being held on 12th December and there were no objections to this.
BW asked if the bar can be open for their Bowls Gala on 28th August from 12pm to 2pm
BB asked if the bar can be open at 6pm on 8th July as there is a cricket cup final taking place at KSCC.
It was unanimously agreed that the Car Boot scheduled for August Bank Holiday will go ahead and this will be advertised across all social media platforms and posters will be put in place around the village.

9) Section monies – NR asked if it would be possible for the members of the relevant sections to pay towards the actual upkeep of KSCC as any membership monies are paid directly to the relevant sporting sections and none goes into the ‘KSCC Pot’. This would need to be looked into in further detail. AC asked if anyone knew how many members were in each section, but the answer is not known at this moment in time.

10) AOB – AC asked about the Mountain Bike Trial through the wooded area at KSCC and she has found out that some of it is protected but not all of it, she has the application to apply to the relevant party concerned and NR will investigate this regarding any objections to the use of the land.
NR said that opening up KSCC during the day when events are on would be beneficial and he has suggested putting an advert throughout the village and on social media asking for volunteers to help with bar work, catering, car boot and all thought this would be a good idea and if successful the volunteers would all meet up with the Trustees and discuss what they can/cannot do and a rota be set up.
BW asked for grateful thanks to be given to Ed Finch and Neil Stevenson as their help during events has been outstanding and very much appreciated by all.
AB asked if a lockable container could be purchased as when he came up to KSCC on Thursday there had been a delivery of beer, wine and spirits etc which were just left outside. All agreed that a lockable container would be a good idea.
Also, AB pointed out that the large bins need to be three metres away from the main building.

Date and time of next meeting is Thursday August 15th at 7pm to be held at Ketton Parish Council Office