Minutes of KSCC Trustees at Ketton Parish Council offices, August 15, 2024.

Present: Nigel Roberts ( NR, chairman), Bob Warters (BW), Dave Walpole (DW), Bob Bradberry (BB).

Minutes by BW in absence of Sec Roz Condé

Apologies: Neil Stephenson, Ed Finch, Cristian Durant, Andy Bird, Anna O’Connor, Roz Conde.

Car Boot (August 26)

Plans were confirmed for the traditional August Bank Holiday Monday car boot sale to be staged. Ian Loder had agreed to man the entrance from 5.30am and hopefully with help yet to be specified. Bob Bradberry agreed to attend as back-up.

Representatives of the women’s football team would be unable to attend to manage car parking (£2 per car) through prior commitments but DW agreed to round up sufficient players/parents from the football club and juniors to handle it. Cricket club representatives would position the car booters (£6/£10) and bowls club would manage disabled car parking and the kitchen, preparing bacon sandwiches (£3) and beverages.

Contrary to previous arrangements, the burger van and associated inflatable would be requested to pay £150 to secure a stand. A request to attend by Lincolnshire Inflatables was denied.

No cars would be parked on the top football pitch as DW advised ground improvements to the surface were currently in progress. Plans were in hand to install new drainage in May 2025 when gate access close to the Pit Lane roundabout  would be required by the contractors which DW and NS would arrange.

Directors report

None were able to attend to report. However, the chairman advised that Jayne Wheeler would send a monthly balance sheet.

Grant Applications

With access to the Equillibrium overflow car park no longer available because of proposed factory unit development, permission had been granted by both Heidelburg and Savills for go-ahead for additional hard-standing car parking  immediately to the right of complex entrance on Pit Lane. NR would arrange for letter of confirmation from parish council. It was hoped Heidelburg would assist with materials.

Land updates and permissions

Additional land close to KSCC, including that west of the bowls club was discussed, with potential for sport including archery and a 4G artificial football pitch. NR advised it could take up to two years to secure the lease. DW advised a grant for 4G artificial pitch required a 25-year lease. NR will write to the directors regarding expansion plans.

Funding KSCC

NR advised that dialogue was still ongoing with developers regarding access to proposed additional land to the south of the bowling green between that and the new homes. Subject to the latest boundary measurements he was confident there was enough space for eventual access from the current car park.

BW asked for the latest information on repair of the roadway from Pit Lane to the complex. DW would contact the potential roadway repair contractors for a breakdown of materials needed, additional to their quote of £12,000. Parish council and Whitebread Trust would be approached for grant aid towards construction costs.

NR suggested that KSCC should investigate installing solar panels on the roof of the building (BB can supply roof measurements). Subject to grants being available to pay for a £40,000 feasibility study, it was agreed to proceed. Savings on power would greatly assist profitability of the complex, though he said it would still need at least two volunteers to run it as a sports centre.

Any other business

DW asked if the equipment used by the kids clubs could not be stored in the football changing rooms as it took up at least 25 per cent of the space. BW would investigate if the unused office space could be used. Also a pallet of heavy, unspecified equipment needed to be identified and removed from the referee’s changing room.

According to previous minutes Sky Sports had been cancelled but according to latest financial figures it had been reinstated. NR would speak to the directors for clarification.

Next meeting of Trustees and directors scheduled for Wednesday, September 11. Venue to be decided.