Health and Safety Policy


Statement of Intent

The policy of the Ketton Sports and Community Centre will take reasonable measures to ensure that the centre, its equipment and grounds provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions and environment for all our staff, volunteers and users, plus any other people who are directly affected by our activities, such as members of the public at our events.

The main activity of the Ketton Sports and Community Centre is to organise amateur sporting and social activities and support for the Ketton community.

  1. Overall and final responsibility for health and safety at all events and activities organised by the Ketton Sports and Community Centre lies with trustees. This responsibility will be delegated to a named volunteer for each event or activity. This volunteer will be responsible for ensuring that this policy is upheld.
  2. For our Management Committee meetings the responsible person is Stuart Gray.
  3. For all other events the responsible person will be named in advance and their name will be noted on all relevant risk assessments. All volunteers involved will be made aware of who is responsible for health and safety.
  4. The building will be regularly checked for faults but users are requested to report any defects to the management committee, either directly or through the trustees as soon as possible.


General Arrangements
  1. A risk assessment will be carried out before every one off event. This will include assessing risk as it relates to all aspects of the event including: equipment; venue; volunteers; attendees. Appropriate precautions will be taken to minimise hazards at all events and activities.
  2. The Ketton Sports and Community Centre may also run regular events at the same venue or using the same equipment, such as our Council meetings. At these we will carry out a general risk assessment for the event/activity/equipment/venue.
  3. All general risk assessments will be reviewed at least once a year.
  4. We will have a trained first aider present at all events which are open to the public.
  5. We will make sure all volunteers and staff at events and activities are aware of the location of fire exits.
  6. All volunteers and staff will be made aware of the precautions they need to take as noted on the relevant risk assessment.
  7. No volunteer or employee will run an event or activity on their own, and at least two volunteers or employees should stay at an event until it is finished and the last attendees have left.


  1. An accident book is provided near the bar. The accident book should be used to record the details of any accidents at the time they occur. A member of the Council will check this weekly and remove and written notes for confidentiality. These are then all kept securely for 21 years from the date of the accident.
  2. We realise that some users will have their own accident books, which they are required to fill in. However we cannot accept any responsibility for any accidents not logged in the Ketton Sports and Community Centre’s Accident Book.


  1. Smoking is not permitted in the centre building. We also operate a no naked flame policy, including birthday candles.
  2. People using the building are requested to familiarise themselves with the fire exits/routes. Users should maintain a register and in the event of a fire a designated person, should be responsible for taking it out of the building. The designated person should ensure everyone on the register is accounted for.
  3. Anyone discovering a fire should raise the alarm. The building should be evacuated and assemble in the grounds. The group leader should call the emergency services. Evacuated people should remain together, at your group’s assembly point. Under doc circumstances should anyone return to the building, until it is deemed safe to do so by the fire service.
  4. User groups are responsible for carrying out their own fire drills and arranging their own fire assembly points, as far away from the building as possible.
  5. Fire extinguishers are provided and maintained. Keaton Sports and Community Centre do not recommend these are used, any person using the fire extinguishers, do so at their own risk.
  6. Ketton Sports and Community Centre ensures that the security/emergency lighting and alarm system is checked annually by a qualified electrician, and alarm tests will be done on a regular basis.
  7. Do not obstruct fire exits/routes with furniture or equipment, or leave any inflammable items within the community centre.



Ketton Sports and Community Centre will take reasonable measures to ensure that the building is kept secure.


Ketton Sports and Community Centre has public liability insurance for it’s own activities, but users are advised that they need to ensure they have adequate insurance cover for their own activities and property.

Ketton Sports and Community Centre accepts no responsibility for the property of groups using the building, as it is suggested that you obtain your own insurance for your own belongings if appropriate.

Personal Safety

We do not recommend people work alone in the building, but we recognise on occasions this cannot be avoided. If you have to work alone we recommend that the main door is locked provided you still have two clear fire escape routes available.

Electrical Equipment
  1. Ketton Sports and Community Centre arranges for a portable appliance safety test to be done annually, on all electrical items that we know are used in the building. We pay for communal items to be tested. Items used by individual user groups should be paid for by the specific group. Each appliance will be labelled stating the date of the check. Any items that fail the test will also be labelled and should be used again. The owner should arrange for the item to be disposed of.
  2. it is the responsibility of the user groups, to ensure that any electrical appliance (old or new) brought into the centre, meets the safety test requirements.
  3. The management committee reserves the right to remove any item without a PASS sticker.