Minutes of Trustees Mtg held on 25th November 2019

Minutes of The Trustees Meeting held on 25th November 2019 @ 7pm Present: Andrew McGilvray(AMG), Ron Tilley(RT), Peter Shakeshaft(PS), Ian Loder(IL),Jenny Rogers(JR), Cristian Durant(CD), Sooty Minutes taken by Roz Conde – Hon Sec at Ketton Sports & Community...

Minutes of Trustees Meeting of 17th September

Minutes of KSCC Trustees Meeting held on 17th September @ 7pm Present: Tim Charge(TC), Jenny Rogers(JR), Ian Loder(IL), Glenis Southern(GS),Peter Shakeshaft(PS), Charlie Underwood(CU), Bob Bradberry(BB), Cristian Durant(CD), Andrew McGilvray(AMG), Jayne Wheeler(JW)...

Minutes of Trustees Meeting of 6th August 2019

Minutes of KSCC Trustees Meeting held on 6th August @ 7pm Present: Tim Charge(TC), Jenny Rogers(JR), Ian Loder(IL), Glenis Southern(GS), Sooty, Peter Shakeshaft(PS), Charlie Underwood(CU), Bob Bradberry(BB), Ron Tilley(RT) Minutes taken by Roz Conde – Hon Sec 1)     ...

Minutes of Trustees Meeting June 25th 2019

Minutes of Trustees Meeting held on Tuesday June 25th @ 7.30pm   Present:- Tim Charge (TC), Ian Loder (IL), Glenis Southern (GS), Jenny Rogers (JR), Bob Bradberry (BB) Sooty, Ron Tilley (RT), Peter Shakeshaft (PS), Charlie Underwood (CU) Minutes taken by Roz...

Minutes of Trustees Meeting 23rd May 2019

MINUTES OF THE TRUSTEES MEETING 25th May 2019 Present: Charlie Underwood(CU), Ron Tilley(RT), Bob Bradberry(BB), Sooty Pearce (SP), Ian Loder(IL), Peter Shakeshaft(PS), Jim Wheeler (JM), Jenny Rogers(JR), Glenis Southern (GS), Cristian Durant (CD) and Tim Charge(TC)....

Minutes Of Trustees Meeting 25th March 2019

MINUTES OF THE TRUSTEES MEETING 25th MARCH 2019   Present: Andrew McGilvray(AMG), Charlie Underwood(CU), Ron Tilley(RT), Bob Bradberry(BB), Tim Charge(TC), Ian Loder(IL), Peter Shakeshaft(PS),Jenny Rogers(JR)   The Meeting opened with a presentation from Mel...

Minutes of Trustees Meeting of 21st January 2019

Minutes of Trustees Meeting held on Monday 21st January 2019 Present: Andrew McGilvray (AMG), Ian Loder (IL), Ron Tilley (RT), Peter Shakeshaft (PS), Jim Wheeler (Jim), Jenny Rogers (JR), Tim Charge (TC), Bob Bradberry, Sooty, Cristian Durant, Charlie Underwood...

Minutes of Trustees Meeting of 19th Nov 2018

Minutes of Trustees Meeting held on Monday 19th November Present: Andrew McGilvray(AMG), Ian Loder(IL), Ron Tilley(RT), Peter Shakeshaft(PS),Jim Wheeler (Jim), Jayne Wheeler(JW), Jenny Rogers(JR), Tim Charge(TC), Glenis Southern(GS)   Minutes taken by Roz Condé –...

Minutes of Trustees Meeting of 20th Sept 2018

Minutes of Trustees Meeting held on Thursday 20th September at 7.30pm Present: Andrew McGilvray (AMG), Charlie Underwood (CU), Sooty, Jim Wheeler (Jim), Peter Shakeshaft (Shakey), Ian Loder (IL), Tim Charge (TC), Glenis Southern (GS), Jenny Rogers(JR), Bob...