Statement from Ketton Parish Council

Statement from Ketton Parish Council concerning Ketton Sports & Community Centre Ketton Parish Council is Ketton Sports & Community Centre’s landlord, as the parish council owns the land (& leases land from Hanson Cement), on which the Community Centre...

How It All Started

When a handful of bowlers met at the Methodist Hall in Ketton on Tuesday, September 17, 1974, it was the start of an association with the sport in the village that has blossomed over 43 years. Now the club fields seven teams during most weeks of the summer, including...

Federation Rules In A Nutshell

When the Essex County Bowling Association Tourists visited Ketton in 2014 to help celebrate the club’s 40th anniversary, they were sceptical about the Rules of bowls under which the club played when affiliated to the Northants Bowling Federation. The tourists...

The Most Abused Rule In Bowls

Foot-faulting is the most abused – and overlooked – rule in local outdoor bowls, where players, often inadvertently to be fair, look to squeeze an extra few centimetres of advantage from the restrictive conditions, writes Bob Warters. Rule XI(1) states:...